Date of founded : April 23,1996
Country origin Founders : India
Arts taught : Karate, Kubudo, Gymnastics, Kick Boxing
Shotokan, Shito-ryu
Ancestor styles : shotokan, Shito-ryu
Chan-Ki is a form of Martial Art that was founded in 1996 by
Shihan P.Krishna
Shihan N.Chandrashekar.
They practiced under B.Ramesh Chief Instructor of Mohan's Budokan karate dojo and completed their black belt under B.Ramesh in 1986, when Shihan N.Chandrashekar was not satisfied with his belt, and after 2 years of enormous practice in Yokohamaa Martial Arts Academy, he got his black belt in 1988 awarded by IKA(lnternational karate academy) Grand Master Ricky Wong Sek khar from Malaysia.